Translation project management is a topic of interest for both project managers and freelance translators alike. What information is used to prepare an accurate quote? Why is scheduling so essential in some situations? How do you guarantee that a project will be profitable? How do you recruit the right resources? What is expected from each […]
By Irene Fuentes.
Nombre d’entre nous connaissons d’autres langues que celles étudiées en master de traduction. Voyons ensemble comment les intégrer à notre pratique. Par Matilda Gascon Delqueux, étudiante M2 TSM ‘
Le recrutement par les agences de traduction peut s’avérer particulièrement important, notamment pour un traducteur fraîchement diplômé qui ne bénéficie pas d’un panel de clients suffisant pour vivre de sa profession. Master TSM Lille Le recrutement des traducteurs en agence de traduction
When the new European Master’s in Translation reference framework, published in 2017, was in preparation, some discussion took place on the necessity to include competence #24, “Use social media responsibly for professional purposes” in the “Personal and Interpersonal” competence area.
UdeMNouvelles – Université de Montréal. Le traitement automatique des langues ou du langage naturel est un des domaines de prédilection de l’intelligence artificielle. La professeure Sylvie Vandaele explique pourquoi.
La localisation est un monde qui bouge. Avec Cultures Connection, découvrez les mille et un pixels de la localisation de jeux vidéo.
L’Institut supérieur de traducteurs et interprètes (ISTI) de Bruxelles était une école réputée et spécialisée en matière de traduction et je m’y suis inscrit à l’automne 1980, dans la section russe-italien.
In order for their content to be exploited to its fullest, true electronic dictionaries must be built on a very strictly defined structure with highly specific data categories.
Blog du Master “Traduction Spécialisée Multilingue” (TSM) de l’Université de Lille | ISSN 2534-5885 Par Maximilien Dusautois, étudiant M2 TSM
Once a project involves several people, tasks, languages, components, or even competes with other projects, drawing a complete and accurate schedule is definitely a must. The challenge of project management lies in the breadth of the subject material involved and the wide variety of translation requests it encompasses.
Despite several companies claiming to have achieved parity with human translation this particular frontier at present remains wild and unconquered. It’s both strange and fascinating that with all the smart technology in our lives today, machines still haven’t conquered the complex art of language translation. Home
Where do project managers go to find the most qualified localization experts in the language services field? Are they looking for hands-on experience or are they interested in those who are brand new but have earned a degree in localization?
With only a few days to go, many businesses all over the world are preparing for the moment the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect. Translation agencies and freelance translators alike should be prepared to implement the rules of the GDPR as well, but among freelance translators especially, the lack of interest or […]
One of the most common misconceptions about languages is concerning language variants. American and British English, European and Latin American Spanish are some examples. Portuguese is no exception and it is not unusual for people to believe one version is adequate to all Portuguese-speaking countries (Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, and São Tomé […]
Jörgen Danielsen describes the challenges in getting started with Machine Translation and the difficulties faced with post-editing. Modern technology now covers more than the basics, but grew more complex on its way to get there. I am an experienced driver (I am German, so I have to be), but when I bought my current car, […]
You work at a fast-growing startup. You’re aware that it’s time to expand to international markets—more users and bigger revenues are your top priorities right now. And you know the international market is lucrative: Google announced at I/O 2017 their goal of targeting Next Billion Users in emerging markets like India, Brazil, and China. […]
Back in 2011, I wrote this post about how much freelance translators earn. After almost seven years, it’s still the most popular post on this site, with over 21,000 views. A reader recently sent me a series of questions about translator income: “I’m in college and deciding whether to try to make a career as […]
Whenever I get asked to ‘proofread’ something that involves a translation, I make sure to ask what the client actually wants me to do. Should I check the translation against the source text to make sure the translation is correct and fit for its intended purpose? Or should I check the text for spelling and […]
El currículum (CV) de un traductor es su mejor carta de presentación. Tienes 6 segundos de media para causar una buena impresión y no pifiarla. Aunque considero que hoy en día tienes que dedicar gran parte de tu tiempo a completar tu perfil de LinkedIn al máximo e invertir en crear una página web sencilla […]
Comme nous l’explique cet article du magazine Wired, lorsque l’on écrit, notre cerveau a tendance à se focaliser sur le sens des mots, et non pas sur les mots eux-mêmes. C’est pour cette raison qu’il est très difficile de relire et de corriger son propre travail. Par Elisabeth Jacob, étudiante M2 TSM
Le texte de presse est peut-être l’un des domaines les moins discutés du point de vue traductologique. Le vrai problème, de nos jours, est le fait qu’il n’y a pas de traduction journalistique proprement dite, mais des adaptations au contexte social, économique ou culturel de la langue cible.
News of an article published by Mats Linder, and GT4T, an alternative to Studio MT plugins. Machine translation (MT) is an ever-present topic on translators’ forums and social media, but nevertheless, it’s hard to keep track of all the new tools and solutions in this field.
One of the most heated debates within the realm of freelancing is whether you should charge hourly or per project (flat fee). While both sides of the coin have legitimate arguments, charging hourly can potentially hinder your ability to advance your entrepreneurial career. Below, I will point out some of the main arguments frequently presented […]
“How should I charge my clients?” This is the age-old freelancers debate, and the answers vary – sometimes from client to client. There are many factors to this question, and it can depend on your previous experiences, your skills, how efficiently you get work done, and even how much your salary goal is, or if […]
The whole blog is about this subject! Mon expérience avec Babelcube, une plateforme qui réunit auteurs et traducteurs. Pour ma part, je suis traductrice, mais j’essayerai de parler également de l’expérience des auteurs.