Suite à une demande récente, je me décide enfin à écrire sur un sujet vaste qui me tentait depuis quelques temps : celui des tarifs. Dans le milieu de la traduction, la question des tarifs pose parfois problème car il n’y a pas de règle en la matière, chacun peut proposer ses prix comme il […]
Having the chance to bid on a major project is a freelancer’s dream, but can also be a nightmare. If the client hasn’t set a price and you have to come up with your own estimate, it can be very difficult to know how much to charge.
Setting your prices when you’re self-employed can feel confusing. You don’t want to undercharge and feel you’re doing yourself a disservice; you don’t want to overcharge and price yourself out of the market or alienate prospective clients. Photo credit: CarbonNYC / Foter / CC BY
Translation memory (TM) and machine translation (MT) continue to change the translation industry. Pricing is evolving, too, as clients, translators, and agencies offer and accept consideration for translation services. But what goes through the minds of the players as we haggle? One way to puzzle this out is to consider how the players view the […]
When you request a translation quote, you are given a price you probably do not understand. You also want to know why translators ask you about the number of words in your document, why the type of file matters and why some translators ask for a minimum charge. Let us then take a closer look […]
I have recently seen a link posted by Ral (thank you, Ral!) to a really interesting article on setting consultancy rates. It is clear, helpful, and even if it does not teach you anything new (which would actually be quite a bit surprising because it approaches fee-setting from seven angles), you will still have a better […]
Voilà presque un an que je me suis lancée dans l’aventure de la traduction en auto-entrepreneur. Une des premières questions que je m’étais posée à l’époque concernait les tarifs de mes prestations…Comment déterminer mes tarifs? Est ce que je m’en tiens aux tarifs pratiqués par mes collègues traducteurs? Est ce que je facture au mot? […]
It’s no secret that time is money and we only have a certain number of hours in a day. The time-for-money model is therefore not sustainable in the long term if you want to work with high-end clients. High-end clients don’t want to pay by the hour, but for the result. Take a website translation, […]
In the translation industry two pricing techniques seem to dominate: cost plus and competitive pricing. Before looking deeper into these and other pricing techniques, it is important to remember that price is one of the P’s described by Philip Kotler as the fundamental elements of every marketing mix.
Translators price their services in different ways, but most default to per-word pricing. In response to a recent post, What Does Translation Cost?, I received an interesting message from a reader who observed, “If experienced translators could charge by the hour for their vast expertise and writing skills, they would be paid on par with […]
(e-book extract) In order to be able to produce a quotation, it is important first of all to have an understanding of the project components and the various stages required to complete it. The volumes per component for the various tasks to be carried out then have to be ascertained along with the price to apply […]
We all know that figuring out what to charge is one of the most nerve-wracking parts about freelancing. There are two main ways to charge for your work: per hour or per project. This has long been a topic of debate for freelancers. Will the client reject a high hourly rate? What happens if the […]