The famous debate about gender discrimination at the workplace, particularly in terms of remuneration made me wonder if this applies to those who are active in the Translation business. According to statistics published by the European Commission, the average gender pay gap in Europe stands as high as 16 %.
Not turning down work is a trap! And when we find ourselves in that trap, chances are, it’s nobody’s fault but our own. Newbies may fall into it for lack of experience. Not-so-newbies may fall into it for poor negotiating skills or inability to say “no.” Image: P. KLAMMER
J’ai le regret de vous annoncer que non, cela n’arrive pas qu’aux autres. Et plutôt que de vous faire part d’un article détaillé point par point sur comment éviter que cela ne vous arrive ou comment faire une fois qu’il est trop tard, je vais plutôt vous raconter ce qu’il m’est arrivé il y a […]
A while ago a new colleague on a translators’ forum asked for advice on how to secure those all-important first assignments and set up shop as a freelance translator. I think we’ve all been there when we started out and know how frustrating it can be to look for your very first clients. […]
Who isn’t tired of scam translation agencies? Have you ever been scammed? In my case, I have been scammed many times, but these experiences have taught me to be more astute in this case. Maybe you’ve run into colleagues complaining that their CV/résumé has been stolen or their pictures have been used, …
Starting a new career from scratch or going self-employed after years of employment can be daunting, and there’s lots of advice wafting around that might not be useful. Here’s some tips from real freelancers on what they wish they’d known back when they were starting out. Home page
So you think: “Translating and interpreting is easy, anyone who knows two languages can do it. It should be really cheap, right?” Wrong. Let’s examine in detail what really determines the cost of translating and interpreting.
For my first blog post of 2015 I decided to start with something motivational. Something that can inspire.. And here comes the very first post of 2015! The holiday season is long gone, New Year’s resolutions have been made. So let’s kick-start another great year full of pleasant surprises and new achievements! […]
The translation business model has seen little change for decades. Technology is challenging the status quo. Large, inflexible agencies and big technology solutions are not the answer for all clients.
All three – in that order – hold the key to becoming a world-class translator. An interviewer, who was also a writer, once asked me how many words I’d translated before I published my first translated book for the American Institute of Physics. I imagined he expected an answer of perhaps ten thousand or so. […]
It seems like everyone with a business is an entrepreneur these days. The truth is, you don’t have to be an entrepreneur to run a business. There are plenty of other options that are lower risk, and that allow you to fit your work around your lifestyle – such as being a freelancer. In this […]
A professional translator and interpreter should be seen in the same way as any professional in the medical or legal profession, because ultimately all three are intertwined. There are cases where a translator’s or interpreter’s unique choice of words and how to render a phrase saved a life, or whose special knowledge of culture prevented […]
Necessary skills to succeed as a freelance translator and how to improve them. Having been a freelance translator for over 10 years, I can definitely say it is my dream job. I love what I do. However, when I started researching a career as a freelance translator in 2002, I did not know much about […]
It is inappropriate and wrong for translators to be ordered to take lie detector tests, says Brampton lawyer-linguist Suzanne Deliscar. The issue has become a hot-button topic south of the border after a company that provides translation services to American law enforcement agencies is facing a lawsuit by nine former translators in San Diego, Calif. […]
We need to talk about online professionalism. Professionalism is a word we hear a lot as translators. As an unregulated industry, we naturally need to set, maintain and enforce our own standards, so that we’re taken seriously by our clients and the wider world. Professionalism is not a new idea by any means, … […]
Dear colleagues: We are very fortunate to live at a time when there are so many developments that make our lives more comfortable; this includes our profession. Most interpreters realize that there are many positive changes: From the way we now research our assignments, …
Freelance translators have their say: Is it better to work with agencies or direct clients? Part of the joy of being a freelancer is being able to choose exactly who to work with – no more difficult bosses, unreasonable line managers or slacking co-workers, hooray! Illustration: Copyright (c) Translators Family Home
Spring, a joyful season of rebirth, also brings its share of woes. Hay fever, for example, and taxes. If, like me, you are a freelancer with a financial phobia, managing finances can be daunting on a good day. As the filing date approaches, the spectre of dealing with The Tax Man can trigger weeks of […]
Antes que nada, voy a ser sincero: esta entrada la estoy escribiendo con cierto resentimiento, así que, es probable que cuando me tranquilice la vea desde otra perspectiva. Sin embargo, como ahora estoy enfadado y se me ha juntado con las ganas de escribir, aquí va esta entada un poco amarga y un poco reivindicativa […]
Are you unsatisfied with how much you earn as a freelancer? If so, you’re not alone. That may not be all that comforting, but understanding where freelancers stand in 2015 is worth paying attention to as the economy evolves. According to Payoneer’s “The Freelancer Income Survey” …
As one of the more visible proponents for moving upmarket into the premium translation market sector — a position I’ve argued since 1997, but one that is just now finding traction as we can reach increasingly larger populations of translators with the message — I think it’s crucial to discuss why premium-market translators have volunteered […]
In order to become a successful freelancer, you must learn how to constructively deal with rejection. Here are 5 infallible strategies that will help you. As exciting as it may sound, freelancing (whatever the field) is not always the idyllic career that people believe it to be… Be Wise, Go Pro // A Professional […]
4 ways to keep track of your prospects and your potential customers online in order to sell them your services at the right time in the right way.
You’re creating your first business cards. CONGRATULATIONS! This is an important step for the development of your career and start networking ;-). Before you proceed, I would love to provide you with some essential tips for you. Many of them are based on my first mistakes, as well as aspects that I’ve observed in other […]
Do you want to survive in the world where everyone is telling you to become an expert translator? This article provides thorough grounding in the concept and advice on possible steps.
Freelance translators should think of themselves as business people. As such, they should pay serious attention to risk management, including the actions needed to minimize the risk of being the victims of a scam.