Nombre d’entre nous connaissons d’autres langues que celles étudiées en master de traduction. Voyons ensemble comment les intégrer à notre pratique. Par Matilda Gascon Delqueux, étudiante M2 TSM ‘
UdeMNouvelles – Université de Montréal. Le traitement automatique des langues ou du langage naturel est un des domaines de prédilection de l’intelligence artificielle. La professeure Sylvie Vandaele explique pourquoi.
La localisation est un monde qui bouge. Avec Cultures Connection, découvrez les mille et un pixels de la localisation de jeux vidéo.
L’Institut supérieur de traducteurs et interprètes (ISTI) de Bruxelles était une école réputée et spécialisée en matière de traduction et je m’y suis inscrit à l’automne 1980, dans la section russe-italien.
Jörgen Danielsen describes the challenges in getting started with Machine Translation and the difficulties faced with post-editing. Modern technology now covers more than the basics, but grew more complex on its way to get there. I am an experienced driver (I am German, so I have to be), but when I bought my current car, […]
Whenever I get asked to ‘proofread’ something that involves a translation, I make sure to ask what the client actually wants me to do. Should I check the translation against the source text to make sure the translation is correct and fit for its intended purpose? Or should I check the text for spelling and […]
Comme nous l’explique cet article du magazine Wired, lorsque l’on écrit, notre cerveau a tendance à se focaliser sur le sens des mots, et non pas sur les mots eux-mêmes. C’est pour cette raison qu’il est très difficile de relire et de corriger son propre travail. Par Elisabeth Jacob, étudiante M2 TSM
Le texte de presse est peut-être l’un des domaines les moins discutés du point de vue traductologique. Le vrai problème, de nos jours, est le fait qu’il n’y a pas de traduction journalistique proprement dite, mais des adaptations au contexte social, économique ou culturel de la langue cible.
The whole blog is about this subject! Mon expérience avec Babelcube, une plateforme qui réunit auteurs et traducteurs. Pour ma part, je suis traductrice, mais j’essayerai de parler également de l’expérience des auteurs.
and also: The applicable advice about MadCap products from speakers and staff, the profound discussions about tech comm in general, and attendees’ enthusiasm to share and learn…
A common question desktop publishers frequently hear is, “which software is better: InDesign or FrameMaker?” The answer depends on what type of project you have to do. If you can answer that, you will know which is the best option.
A step-by-step guide on planning for localization. Learn how to adjust both the language and technical elements of your source language site. Localization can be an elusive requirement for a website. During the platform selection process, internationalization is often listed as a “strong” requirement. Why wouldn’t you want the ability to reach new markets? […]
There are over 6,000 languages spoken in the world. Sharing stories about things that make us laugh, love, cry, feel show us how we are all not as different as we think. “Without translation, we would be living in provinces bordering on silence.” George Steiner, writer. […]
Katell Hernández Morin, « Pratiques et perceptions de la révision en France », Traduire [En ligne], 221 | 2009, mis en ligne le 12 novembre 2013, consulté le 10 mars 2017. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/traduire.368 Entre le 14 novembre et le 21 décembre 2007, nous avons soumis aux professionnels de la traduction […]
It’s been several months since my last Korean translation tip because, well, I’ve been busy translating… and have also spent this time working hard to improve my skills and credentials.
When planning our CPD we often take into consideration core activities such as improving our marketing skills, learning how to use new CAT tools, how to boost our online presence and/or find new clients, dealing with financial aspects, gaining new specializations, etc.
Translators who are not familiar with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay Per Click) principles may be very good translators, but they may not be the right match to translate your AdWords Campaign.
A detailed, hype-free report on how to become game translator, from required skills to the best paths to start your career as a video game translator. Many people asked us suggestions on how to become game translator. In broad terms, videogame translation is a branch of technical/software translation, and requires similar core skills. […]
This document defines the Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM) framework. It contains a description of the issue types, scoring mechanism, and markup, as well as informative mappings to various quality systems. MQM provides a flexible framework for defining custom metrics for the assessment of translation quality. These metrics may be considered to be within the same […]
Katell Morin-Hernandez. La révision comme clé de la gestion de la qualité des traductions en contexte professionnel. Linguistics. Université Rennes 2, 2009. French. (Thèse) 1. Gestion de la qualité des traductions spécialisées professionnelles 2. Contexte didactique et professionnel de la pratique de la révision 3. Cadre méthodologique de l’enquête sur la révision et la […]
(Product Support Center – Alchemy Catalyst) A trend towards binary localization in past years A significant trend over the past number of years is the rapid decline in the translating of source files. As products are better designed for localization and avail of the Microsoft Foundation Class API’s and toolkits, the need to send source […]
Major cultural and linguistic differences hamper translation of Japanese documents into English and other European languages. But in every challenge lies an opportunity. Improving Japanese documents to facilitate translation offers a unique insight into the distinct characteristics of these diverse languages. Image: © GentleAssassin/
By revision I’m referring to a translation being checked against the source by a second translator. A lot of colleagues refer to this as proofreading, but proofreading is a different skill performed by a proofreader who isn’t usually a translator at all.
People speaking rare or unusual languages are often denied timely access to justice due to a shortage of court interpreters with knowledge of their specialized vernaculars, says Brampton lawyer-linguist Suzanne Deliscar. “How can someone properly defend themselves or put forward their position if they can’t communicate?” asks Deliscar, principal of Deliscar Professional Corporation.
These days, it’s becoming more and more common for translators to specialise in a given field. It’s a sound strategy: after all, the better you understand a particular subject, the easier it will be to comprehend relevant source texts and render them fluently in your native language. Home
Interpreting humor in conferences has always been a difficult task for professional interpreters. Much is lost on the way to convey the exact message, especially humorous notes made by expert speakers. This article gives an analysis of some of the most commonly used forms of humor and why speakers insist on using humor in their […]