If you have a passion for gaming and you want to become a professional game translator who’ll be working on different, yet challenging projects, you’ll have to master a variety of skills needed for this type of work. When it comes to a game localization strategy, … https://aboutlocalization.wordpress.com
This article describes the different aspects of audiovisual translation in the game industry. In less than four decades the video game industry has become a multibillion dollar worldwide phenomenon. As game technology has evolved, allowing for the inclusion of cinematic scenes in games, dubbing and subtitling practices have become incorporated into game design and […]
(…) The presentation will give a very brief overview over the localization process for software and mobile apps before covering the quality assurance process in detail. Read the PDF: http://www.cfbtranslations.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Berger_Localization-QA.pdf CFB Scientific Translations LLC
This is part one of a two-part post written by Thaís Castanheira, a Gengo Senior Translator in the English to Brazilian Portuguese language pair. When people ask what I do for a living, I usually tell them I’m a translator. The fun part is when they ask what kind of translation and I get to say “I localize […]
Comics enjoy a prominent space in the translation world. In Italy as well as in other countries the majority of comics titles are translations (see e.g. Rota 2003, Kaindl 1999). However, research on comics translation is not as well represented. As a result of a quite extensive bibliographic research I was able to find only … […]
© The Financial Times Limited 2015. A message goes out regularly from the Financial Times picture desk: is there a Finnish or Greek or some-other-language speaker in the building? The aim is to check a photograph the FT plans to run: do protesters’ banners or background graffiti… http://www.ft.com
There’s a lot of myths about translation and translators. Sometimes they seem to contradict each other. In this post I’m going to debunk some of these myths. 1 Anyone who speaks two languages can be a translator Translation is a skill. That means that you’ve got to spend some time on deliberate practice before […]
When you learn French at school, two of the first words you learn are tu and vous. In English both have the same translation – “you”. This may well be the first time you are made aware that a word in one language has more than one translation in another. […]
Financial translation is aharmony balancing act, among style, content, format, and deadlines. Translators must have solid skills — not just subject-matter knowledge and writing skills – but also the ability to find new translation solutions almost in real time: … http://www.francescaairaghi.it
As writers, we all know the importance of proofreading. Without it, a manuscript looks sloppy and unfinished and can even be so difficult or frustrating to read that it leads the reader to simply put down the book altogether. However, how to best go about this challenging yet vital step in the writing process? […]
In some cases, translators will come across a word straight from the mind of a text’s author. When there’s no possible way for invented words to have an equivalent in the target language, translators must come up with their most creative solutions. http://translationexcellence.com
What does “localization” mean? Localization (also known as l10n) is the process of translating and adapting a website or software to a specific international language. Localization involves not only changing words from one language to another but also analyzing the semantics https://aboutlocalization.wordpress.com
El concepto de evaluación es polisémico. El DRAE señala que evaluar consiste en ‘señalar el valor de algo’, ‘estimar, apreciar, calcular el valor de algo’ o bien ‘estimar los conocimientos, aptitudes y rendimiento de los alumnos’. Algunos investigadores distinguen entre evaluación (evaluation) y valoración (assessment) y otras definiciones señalan que evaluar es el proceso de […]
While the idea of a translator working out of their native tongue is the stuff of nightmares for many established professionals, I recently took part in a round table discussion that briefly centred around questioning whether or not this method could actually be beneficial to translation. http://jaltranslation.com
Dear colleagues: Although this is not new, it seems to me that technological advances and globalization have generated a more hybrid sui-generis type of terminology that is practically used and applied all over the world. We had always seen certain terms and expressions cross-over to languages other than their original, but it was not as […]
Making sure that the true spirit of a film transgresses international boundaries – from emotionally- significant moments to comedic one-liners – is more than a matter of mere word-for-word translation. Traditional translation tactics such as dubbing and subtitling may seem like catch-all solutions; … https://rubric.com
Réviser, c’est endosser des devoirs d’examen et d’amélioration du travail d’autrui, si bien que certains traducteurs néophytes appréhendent ce virage. Réussiront-ils à déceler les erreurs et à faire mieux que le traducteur? Ils en doutent parfois. Passons en revue quelques-unes de leurs craintes, puis proposons des pistes pour les rassurer. http://www.circuitmagazine.org
How video game localization adapts gaming to new cultures and languages. The video game industry is among the most globalized entertainment sectors, with gaming production powerhouses located in the U.S. and in Japan. http://translationexcellence.com
«Las traducciones se abandonan, no se terminan», me comentaba un compañero hace unos días. En efecto, por muy satisfechos que estemos de una traducción, es muy probable que si la leemos dentro de un mes veamos cosas que se podían haber mejorado, y ni que decir tiene si la lee otra persona. http://algomasquetraducir.com
Karoshi, Japanese for “to die from overwork”, has been the star at many translation forums this week. Antonio Carrillo, manager at http://www.tradux.es/, opened the debate ensuring that “It’s anoutrageous word for a Spaniard”. But, is it? Is Karoshi untraslatable? It cannot be translated into a single word, but it can be, in a phrase. ¿Can […]
An unusual profitable niche market for translators to specialize in. You may have never thought about it, but adult films, websites, magazines, literature, games, comics and packaging for toys and other products don’t translate themselves; someone translates them, and that’s where the adult content translation specialist comes in. http://www.transpanish.biz
Cet article propose une réflexion sur la façon dont le dialecte visuel, tel que défini originellement par Krapp (1926), a été et peut être traduit dans le cadre de traductions de l’anglais vers le français. Bien au-delà des bien connus gonna, wanna, kinda, cause, innit etc., certains auteurs de fiction exploitent en effet la discordance […]
(video) Barry Slaughter Olsen, conference interpreter, general manager of Multilingual at ZipDX, co-president of InterpAmerica shares insights on new technologies in interpreting and how you can thrive in new reality. Multilingual interaction is at an all-time high, yet interpreters are nervous about their future. New technologies and new ways of working are changing traditional definitions […]
The turnaround might not always sounds reasonable to our client for short videos, so let’s take a ride through the Subtitling process to better understand. Editing and subtitling videos has always been a hobby of mine. In a world where teenagers can build a career by posting Youtube videos and have their vlog, parodies and […]
How and why multiple screens can help you work and translate faster. Translation is not anymore about working on one file, with nothing else, but a dictionary opened. Internet browser, CAT tools, reference files, e-mail inbox all complete the list of necessary tools. Home
We are certainly moving fast toward a world where the digital content becomes the first option for users or the place where software companies develop a plethora of apps and websites that want to reach a global audience, so localization gets to be a defining factor for every business success. https://aboutlocalization.wordpress.com