UdeMNouvelles – Université de Montréal. Le traitement automatique des langues ou du langage naturel est un des domaines de prédilection de l’intelligence artificielle. La professeure Sylvie Vandaele explique pourquoi. https://nouvelles.umontreal.ca
La localisation est un monde qui bouge. Avec Cultures Connection, découvrez les mille et un pixels de la localisation de jeux vidéo. culturesconnection.com
L’Institut supérieur de traducteurs et interprètes (ISTI) de Bruxelles était une école réputée et spécialisée en matière de traduction et je m’y suis inscrit à l’automne 1980, dans la section russe-italien. http://larepubliquedeslivres.com/
Le texte de presse est peut-être l’un des domaines les moins discutés du point de vue traductologique. Le vrai problème, de nos jours, est le fait qu’il n’y a pas de traduction journalistique proprement dite, mais des adaptations au contexte social, économique ou culturel de la langue cible. http://journals.openedition.org
The whole blog is about this subject! Mon expérience avec Babelcube, une plateforme qui réunit auteurs et traducteurs. Pour ma part, je suis traductrice, mais j’essayerai de parler également de l’expérience des auteurs. http://monexperiencebabelcube.blogspot.be
It’s been several months since my last Korean translation tip because, well, I’ve been busy translating… and have also spent this time working hard to improve my skills and credentials. http://nojeokhill.koreanconsulting.com
When planning our CPD we often take into consideration core activities such as improving our marketing skills, learning how to use new CAT tools, how to boost our online presence and/or find new clients, dealing with financial aspects, gaining new specializations, etc. http://www.truelinestranslations.com
Translators who are not familiar with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay Per Click) principles may be very good translators, but they may not be the right match to translate your AdWords Campaign. https://www.linkedin.com
Major cultural and linguistic differences hamper translation of Japanese documents into English and other European languages. But in every challenge lies an opportunity. Improving Japanese documents to facilitate translation offers a unique insight into the distinct characteristics of these diverse languages. Image: © GentleAssassin/istockphoto.com http://www.tcworld.info
People speaking rare or unusual languages are often denied timely access to justice due to a shortage of court interpreters with knowledge of their specialized vernaculars, says Brampton lawyer-linguist Suzanne Deliscar. “How can someone properly defend themselves or put forward their position if they can’t communicate?” asks Deliscar, principal of Deliscar Professional Corporation. http://suzannedeliscar.ca
These days, it’s becoming more and more common for translators to specialise in a given field. It’s a sound strategy: after all, the better you understand a particular subject, the easier it will be to comprehend relevant source texts and render them fluently in your native language. Home
Interpreting humor in conferences has always been a difficult task for professional interpreters. Much is lost on the way to convey the exact message, especially humorous notes made by expert speakers. This article gives an analysis of some of the most commonly used forms of humor and why speakers insist on using humor in their […]
If you have a passion for gaming and you want to become a professional game translator who’ll be working on different, yet challenging projects, you’ll have to master a variety of skills needed for this type of work. When it comes to a game localization strategy, … https://aboutlocalization.wordpress.com
This is part one of a two-part post written by Thaís Castanheira, a Gengo Senior Translator in the English to Brazilian Portuguese language pair. When people ask what I do for a living, I usually tell them I’m a translator. The fun part is when they ask what kind of translation and I get to say “I localize […]
Comics enjoy a prominent space in the translation world. In Italy as well as in other countries the majority of comics titles are translations (see e.g. Rota 2003, Kaindl 1999). However, research on comics translation is not as well represented. As a result of a quite extensive bibliographic research I was able to find only … […]
© The Financial Times Limited 2015. A message goes out regularly from the Financial Times picture desk: is there a Finnish or Greek or some-other-language speaker in the building? The aim is to check a photograph the FT plans to run: do protesters’ banners or background graffiti… http://www.ft.com
There’s a lot of myths about translation and translators. Sometimes they seem to contradict each other. In this post I’m going to debunk some of these myths. 1 Anyone who speaks two languages can be a translator Translation is a skill. That means that you’ve got to spend some time on deliberate practice before […]
When you learn French at school, two of the first words you learn are tu and vous. In English both have the same translation – “you”. This may well be the first time you are made aware that a word in one language has more than one translation in another. […]
Financial translation is aharmony balancing act, among style, content, format, and deadlines. Translators must have solid skills — not just subject-matter knowledge and writing skills – but also the ability to find new translation solutions almost in real time: … http://www.francescaairaghi.it
In some cases, translators will come across a word straight from the mind of a text’s author. When there’s no possible way for invented words to have an equivalent in the target language, translators must come up with their most creative solutions. http://translationexcellence.com
While the idea of a translator working out of their native tongue is the stuff of nightmares for many established professionals, I recently took part in a round table discussion that briefly centred around questioning whether or not this method could actually be beneficial to translation. http://jaltranslation.com
Dear colleagues: Although this is not new, it seems to me that technological advances and globalization have generated a more hybrid sui-generis type of terminology that is practically used and applied all over the world. We had always seen certain terms and expressions cross-over to languages other than their original, but it was not as […]
«Las traducciones se abandonan, no se terminan», me comentaba un compañero hace unos días. En efecto, por muy satisfechos que estemos de una traducción, es muy probable que si la leemos dentro de un mes veamos cosas que se podían haber mejorado, y ni que decir tiene si la lee otra persona. http://algomasquetraducir.com
Karoshi, Japanese for “to die from overwork”, has been the star at many translation forums this week. Antonio Carrillo, manager at http://www.tradux.es/, opened the debate ensuring that “It’s anoutrageous word for a Spaniard”. But, is it? Is Karoshi untraslatable? It cannot be translated into a single word, but it can be, in a phrase. ¿Can […]
An unusual profitable niche market for translators to specialize in. You may have never thought about it, but adult films, websites, magazines, literature, games, comics and packaging for toys and other products don’t translate themselves; someone translates them, and that’s where the adult content translation specialist comes in. http://www.transpanish.biz
Cet article propose une réflexion sur la façon dont le dialecte visuel, tel que défini originellement par Krapp (1926), a été et peut être traduit dans le cadre de traductions de l’anglais vers le français. Bien au-delà des bien connus gonna, wanna, kinda, cause, innit etc., certains auteurs de fiction exploitent en effet la discordance […]