1. The ‘Subscribe’ button does not work in Google Chrome
The Chrome Browser does not have a built-in RSS feed reader by default. You must install an RSS extension for Google Chrome.
Please see here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/rss-subscription-extensio/nlbjncdgjeocebhnmkbbbdekmmmcbfjd
2. The ‘Submit It’ button does not work
Please use the Submit a link to field instead. The problem with the Submit It button seems to be down to some hosts that have certain security in place.
If you use the Submit a link to field, you simply have to copy and paste the chosen URL.
3. The link to an article does not work
The URL of the original article might have changed. Please send me an e-mail and I will check this asap.
4. An article is not in the right category
If you feel that an article appears in the wrong category, please send me an e-mail indicating what you think the correct category is and why.
5. One of my articles is bookmarked on the site but I cannot see my own image
The plug-in used to build this website automatically selects some illustrations from the original website. Sometimes, no image is identified or the plugin selects an image that is not associated to your article. If this happens, I usually pick one of my own images to avoid saving the image directly from your website and storing it on my machine. If you send me an e-mail allowing me to save your image myself and reload it on my website, I will be glad to do it.
6. I would like to change the text appearing with the bookmark or add more information
If you want to add some data to the current text displayed on this website or if you want to change some of the information appearing with the bookmark, please send me an e-mail, indicating exactly what should be replaced or added.
7. I don’t want my article to be bookmarked on this website
Please send me an e-mail as soon as possible so that I can remove the link to your article or website.
8. I would like to comment on a post, but it seems impossible. The following message displays at the bottom: “Comments are disabled for this post”.
The goal of this site is only to bookmark articles on translation. Comments should be written directly on the author’s website or blog :-). Please make sure you click on “Click here to read the full article” to open the web page containing the whole original article.
Comments are disabled for this post.