Home page LinkedIn is the world’s largest online professional network, with more than 400 million members. This article provides a plethora of tips you can use to make the most out of LinkedIn. Wondering why you’re not getting the results you expected from LinkedIn? Maybe you should take a closer look at your profile. […]
(Illustration: Marlène Junius) Conséquence des dernières normes qualité dans le secteur de la traduction, de nombreux fournisseurs de services de traduction imposent révision ou remaniement systématique des textes traduits par un second traducteur, avec l’idée que cela améliore nécessairement la qualité. http://traduire.revues.org
University translator training programs struggle to keep pace with technology while striking the right balance between new and traditional course content. Lock Ecommunications
For translators, game localization comes in all flavors. All developers seem to have their own way to present strings they need us to translate. While Excel files are common, their organization can greatly vary from a client to another. Some will use different numbers of columns displayed in a different order, … http://www.at-it-translator.com
Making sure that the true spirit of a film transgresses international boundaries – from emotionally- significant moments to comedic one-liners – is more than a matter of mere word-for-word translation. Traditional translation tactics such as dubbing and subtitling may seem like catch-all solutions; … https://rubric.com
Découvrez 5 trucs faciles à appliquer pour faciliter le processus de traduction pour vous et votre traducteur! Toute entreprise gagne à entretenir de bonnes relations avec ses fournisseurs, pour les aider à améliorer leurs activités, mais aussi pour améliorer les siennes. Une fois que vous avez trouvé, évalué et approuvé votre partenaire de traduction, … […]
After fielding yet another “proposal” to translate a book for a fee I found offensive, I thought it might be time to start offering a special, low-cost fare to publishers and other clients who are looking to save money on translations. Details of the low-cost package: https://nopeanuts.wordpress.com
The new year period is a time to take stock. What’s been good about the year gone by and should be continued and pursued? What’s been bad about it and should be consigned to the history books? Taking stock of 2016, the year has been a turbulent one in many translation circles. It’s been a year […]
Finding the right translator can be tough, I get that. But it’s no different from finding the right doctor, dentist, lawyer, or any other professional service provider. Yet, when approaching a translator, clients will often say things they probably would never say to any other professional. This is the top five on my list … […]
What is sight translation? In what situation is it valuable? Read this article by Translation Excellence. Users of language service agencies are more and more in need of sight translation. Sight translation refers to the process of reading a document or piece of writing in the original language, and translating it out loud in the […]
Why the First, Best Lesson I Learned about Translation Was a Healthy Fear. I was a poor, scrawny white kid with crooked teeth who grew up in the barren hills of central Arizona. The year before my birth, the Soviets launched Sputnik, shocking the world, and causing a frantic U.S. Congress … Language: Perfect
The aim of this page is to list MA translation courses available in Europe and link them to posts (most are guest posts on this blog) describing former students’ experiences of their master’s degrees. I hope this information will help future students choose whether an MA is the right path for them and which programme would […]
A recent argument with an agency about the word count for a job handed in weeks previously has driven home just how sordid this practice of counting words really is. Thankfully, this type of situation doesn’t rear its ugly head that often, and this particular client is not one of my main sources of income. […]
Is back-translation really the best way to ensure quality of your survey translation? If you’re looking to reduce cost and increase quality, there’s a better way! http://www.languageintelligence.com
Are you the kind of person who heaves a sigh of relief when a long project drops into your inbox – or are you more of a butterfly, preferring to flit from short job to slightly longer job? Much depends on your personality profile https://clairecoxtranslations.wordpress.com
You’re creating your first business cards. CONGRATULATIONS! This is an important step for the development of your career and start networking ;-). Before you proceed, I would love to provide you with some essential tips for you. Many of them are based on my first mistakes, as well as aspects that I’ve observed in other […]
Last week I had a wonderful lunch with a talented young woman who is interested in becoming a court interpreter. I learned about her background, motivations, and fears, and I believe she came away with a clearer idea of what lays ahead if she chooses to move forward. http://www.paperlessinterpreter.com Information courtesy of Preciso […]
You’ve developed a great program and now you want to localize it for foreign markets. But you don’t want to waste money translating it into a language where there is no market for your product. So what can you do? Try crowdsourcing the translations. In doing so you get a sense of how they view your […]
J’ai le regret de vous annoncer que non, cela n’arrive pas qu’aux autres. Et plutôt que de vous faire part d’un article détaillé point par point sur comment éviter que cela ne vous arrive ou comment faire une fois qu’il est trop tard, je vais plutôt vous raconter ce qu’il m’est arrivé il y a […]
Are you earning enough? Read the Freelancer Income Report and find out! (report to download) The Payoneer Freelancer Income Survey Benchmark Your Rates 2015 http://register.payoneer.com
I’m sort of amazed translators working into English today still type out their translations on keyboards. Hunched over for endless hours at a time, day after day, banging away on an electronic version of a 19th century invention – a barely improved technology from Gutenberg’s movable type of the 15th century – all the while […]
One of my favourite features in Studio 2017 is the filetype preview. The time it can save when you are creating custom filetypes comes from the fun in using it. I can fill out all the rules and switch between the preview and the rules editor without having to continually close the options, open the file, […]
Whenever I get asked to ‘proofread’ something that involves a translation, I make sure to ask what the client actually wants me to do. Should I check the translation against the source text to make sure the translation is correct and fit for its intended purpose? Or should I check the text for spelling and […]
Over the last few years, a lot has been written and discussed about project management, including translation project management. Due to increased certification and conferences, project management has finally gained recognition as a profession. There are even qualifying bodies that validate or certify people as project managers. The (APM) and The Project Management Institute (PMI) […]
Last week, we began to discuss why organizational skills matter when it comes to translation. We looked at three aspects of organization: physical, mental and time management and concluded that … http://translatorsdigest.net
Referrals are one of the easiest and most effective ways to get new clients. Here are tips on how you can get more referrals from your translation clients. Marketing Tips for translators