Too much to do and no idea how to prioritise? Read on to learn the best-kept secret to mastering your freelance to-do list. One of the most important things you’ll learn as an entrepreneur is how to prioritise your time.
I got a recruiting email this week from a group called “My Translation”, which bills itself as “A Revolution in Translation”. Naturally I was curious, thinking it might be a new type of collaborative platform for professionals, so I checked out their website. This is what is says on the home page: … […]
The JSON files… not really related to Jason Voorhees of course, but for some users who have received these file types for translation the problem of how to handle them and extract the appropriate text may well seem like an episode of Friday the 13th! I’ve seen a few threads in the last couple of weeks… […]
“How should I charge my clients?” This is the age-old freelancers debate, and the answers vary – sometimes from client to client. There are many factors to this question, and it can depend on your previous experiences, your skills, how efficiently you get work done, and even how much your salary goal is, or if […]
Je me pose de nombreuses questions sur le métier de traducteur indépendant, et parmi elles, la suivante : comment gère-t-on un projet de traduction de A à Z ? Le livre Comment gérer vos projets de traduction …
When people contemplate going freelance in their careers, one of the major attractions is usually the idea of a flexible schedule. Sleep in late! Get home from dinner and work on a translation services project! Be free to do what you like in the fine weather and work during the gloomy hours!
A reader asks: I come across lots of bad translations in my language pairs. How can I use these to pitch my freelance services to new clients without sounding like a hyper-critical tattletale? This is a regular topic of conversation among translators who work with direct clients, and bad translations can be a great marketing […]
Here are ten tips that have helped me improve my productivity and which I’m happy to share: Adopt a “tabla resa” approach. Clear out your study/office, workspace. Be ruthless. Your mind will work …
UT Arlington – 2nd Annual MODL Lectures: How to Become a Professional Translator & Interpreter Presented by Martina Heine-Kilic & Holly Behl Home
List of common localization tools
Illustrations: PM, TPM, Translation Project Management, Translation Management, Project Management, Translation Project Manager, Project Manager, Translation Project
Here are 6 tips to help get you started and set you on your self-employment path
A translation Project Manager (PM) is responsible for the overall coordination of translation-related projects for their clients. The objective of a translation Project Manager is to be the bridge that connects the client’s needs with the vendors that are best prepared for the project.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the overriding factor causing translators to end their relationship with an agency is not being paid at all (no-brainer really, as continuing to work for a client that is not paying you—whatever their excuses and promises—just doesn’t make good business sense), and secondly being paid late. […]
Let me let you in on a secret. Building your freelance business is going to be tough at first. You’re going to spend more time marketing than actually working on client projects.
Adventures from three consecutive days in the life of Mad Patent Translator. Just about every day brings an e-mail from a translation agency that either has a job for me, or wants to know more about me for its files about translators. Home
Nombre d’entre nous connaissons d’autres langues que celles étudiées en master de traduction. Voyons ensemble comment les intégrer à notre pratique. Par Matilda Gascon Delqueux, étudiante M2 TSM ‘
Project management and translator education “Hi. I need my website translated into five languages, as soon as possible, for our new launch. French, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian and Arabic. How much would it cost? We don’t have a big budget for this …” Debbie Folaron is Associate Professor of Translation Studies at Concordia University, Montréal, where […]
There are two types of people in this world: good emailers and bad emailers. Signs and symptoms of bad emailing include, but are not limited to: extreme brevity, failing to answer one or more questions posed, harsh tones/sass, typos, and general unresponsiveness. If you or a loved one have one or more of these symptoms, […]
Whether you’re thinking of becoming a freelance translator, or have already been working as one for a while now, you should definitely consider making a comprehensive business plan to help map out your career.
During any occurring and horrific “famine” period, I tend to look back at my career so far. I stand still and mentally travel to the time when I made the first hesitant steps in the competitive freelancing world. Part of this process is looking at a spreadsheet I use to keep track of income per […]
Are you unsatisfied with how much you earn as a freelancer? If so, you’re not alone. That may not be all that comforting, but understanding where freelancers stand in 2015 is worth paying attention to as the economy evolves. According to Payoneer’s “The Freelancer Income Survey” …
Letter That Was Sent in Advance to Tool Vendors I would really like to thank you again for your willingness this past year to respond to the translation community’s suggestions on where we would like to see improvements in your technology.!2296&ithint=file%2cpdf&app=WordPdf&authkey=!AOWDg7Z0VdFXtbU
With the advent of the internet in the early 1990s, most businesses began to realize the importance of having an online presence. As a result, the past decade has seen an increased number of businesses taking to the internet to establish their brands. With most businesses having their bases and clients in English-speaking countries such […]
If you have a passion for gaming and you want to become a professional game translator who’ll be working on different, yet challenging projects, you’ll have to master a variety of skills needed for this type of work. When it comes to a game localization strategy, …
One of the most heated debates within the realm of freelancing is whether you should charge hourly or per project (flat fee). While both sides of the coin have legitimate arguments, charging hourly can potentially hinder your ability to advance your entrepreneurial career. Below, I will point out some of the main arguments frequently presented […]