How well do you manage your time? If you’re like many people, your answer may not be completely positive! Perhaps you feel overloaded, and you often have to work late to hit your deadlines. Or maybe your days seem to go from one crisis to another, and this is stressful and demoralizing. Develop […]
Quality Assurance is one of the most important aspects in today’s translation and localization industry. In Technografia we have always used QA tools for all our projects, and in this article I will show you how to use the most basic one, which also happens to be free! This tool is called ApSIC Xbench, … […]
Comme nous l’explique cet article du magazine Wired, lorsque l’on écrit, notre cerveau a tendance à se focaliser sur le sens des mots, et non pas sur les mots eux-mêmes. C’est pour cette raison qu’il est très difficile de relire et de corriger son propre travail. Par Elisabeth Jacob, étudiante M2 TSM
The task of translating marketing materials used to be seen as a simple and solitary job. However, globalization and the demands of the digital era have made the task of localizing marketing campaigns much more complex. Home | Insight-driven localisation
Get 5 tips to help your translation project succeed and enable your translation agency to provide the highest translation quality possible.
Most of the people I have met / whose thoughts I have read since being back in Translation Studies seem to view CAT (Computer – Assisted Translation) tools as applications to be taught in specialised technical classes, with few connections to other translation classes where students and teachers can focus more on the art of […]
Online resources; MediLexicon; Software; Books …
When I first saw a link to this CAT Tool on Internet, I hesitated before clicking on it. Could yet another translation software application make any difference to my daily work? Nevertheless, I was pleasantly surprised…—A-Real-Help%21
In the era of globalization and multilingual communication, States, companies and organizations need to establish and to share a commonly understandable terminology. Two questions have to be discussed; one about normative terminology, i.e. the compulsory use of the terms suggested in a database or glossary produced for the needs of the company or organization and […]
It seems the translation giants are at it again, exercising increasing power over the little guy while trying to conceal their abuse of contractual asymmetry behind the reservation of a “right”. The angle this time?
Training courses for professional translators. Training in translation tools (SDL Trados, MemoQ, Wordfast, etc.), medical, legal, etc.
Blog du Master “Traduction Spécialisée Multilingue” (TSM) de l’Université de Lille | ISSN 2534-5885 Par Maximilien Dusautois, étudiant M2 TSM
(e-book extract) Translation companies are the linking point between clients and translation teams. End clients contact a single translation company rather than several freelance translators for a number of different reasons. On the one hand, they do not have to assume the responsibility of recruiting and testing suitable candidates for translating a given subject matter, […]
Project management tools benefit you and your business by making things easier – allowing you to focus on the important things. This list of project management tools will help your business flourish and work more efficiently. Home
One of the biggest challenges that any business faces is how to find and attract clients. You cannot help people or attract clients if they do not know your business exists. Sounds simple, but you would be surprised at just how many translators struggle to show up on their ideal clients’ radar.
Freelance translators should think of themselves as business people. As such, they should pay serious attention to risk management, including the actions needed to minimize the risk of being the victims of a scam.
Today, I want to talk a little bit about a term used by work-providers and which greatly irritates many translators: that term is ‘proof-reading’. I don’t know how many times I’ve been asked to ‘proof-read’ a text, only to find that what is actually meant is something else entirely.
What is it like to be a PM in the translation industry? What skills are needed? What is your role? While the umbrella term ‘project manager’ can be heard in almost all sectors in the professional world, from construction to IT, project management as a practice in the field of translation has only started to […]
When you learn French at school, two of the first words you learn are tu and vous. In English both have the same translation – “you”. This may well be the first time you are made aware that a word in one language has more than one translation in another. […]
At its very deepest, the martial art of Iaido emphasizes the connection of the mind, body, and spirit working together to respond quickly and effortlessly to a sudden attack. The term Iaido consists of the Japanese kanji characters 居合 (Iai) and 道 (do). In English, the term is often translated as “the way of mental […]
You can’t please all of the people all of the time, or so the saying goes. But as any translation project manager will tell you, that’s exactly what we attempt to do on a daily basis! On the one side you’ve got clients champing at the bit for first class translation at economy class rates; […]
Fast-growing rising stars are innovators and, as such, they rarely take the exact same path to global markets. But that doesn’t mean every global company needs to innovate its own unique translation style, tone, and voice.
The myths, misconceptions and drawbacks of working from your own home. Let’s talk about what it’s really like to work from home. I’m sure you can easily imagine the benefits of being able to work at home, but until you’re actually there, it can be difficult to think of the downsides.
To celebrate Rare Disease Day, in this post I briefly discuss rare diseases and list resources on rare diseases and orphan drugs for medical translators. Life Science Translation Services | Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology
The translation business model has seen little change for decades. Technology is challenging the status quo. Large, inflexible agencies and big technology solutions are not the answer for all clients.
Quotation prepared by a translation agency for a translation project consisting of one document to be translated into one language. Description Translation agency: based in Brussels, Belgium Client company: based in Dublin, Ireland Product: Mch29TR2 Files to be localised: documents in Adobe Indesign® format Source language: English Target language: German … Solution and explanations […]