UdeMNouvelles – Université de Montréal. Le traitement automatique des langues ou du langage naturel est un des domaines de prédilection de l’intelligence artificielle. La professeure Sylvie Vandaele explique pourquoi. https://nouvelles.umontreal.ca
Whenever I get asked to ‘proofread’ something that involves a translation, I make sure to ask what the client actually wants me to do. Should I check the translation against the source text to make sure the translation is correct and fit for its intended purpose? Or should I check the text for spelling and […]
One of the most heated debates within the realm of freelancing is whether you should charge hourly or per project (flat fee). While both sides of the coin have legitimate arguments, charging hourly can potentially hinder your ability to advance your entrepreneurial career. Below, I will point out some of the main arguments frequently presented […]
Katell Hernández Morin, « Pratiques et perceptions de la révision en France », Traduire [En ligne], 221 | 2009, mis en ligne le 12 novembre 2013, consulté le 10 mars 2017. URL : http://traduire.revues.org/368 ; DOI : 10.4000/traduire.368 Entre le 14 novembre et le 21 décembre 2007, nous avons soumis aux professionnels de la traduction […]
Katell Morin-Hernandez. La révision comme clé de la gestion de la qualité des traductions en contexte professionnel. Linguistics. Université Rennes 2, 2009. French. (Thèse) 1. Gestion de la qualité des traductions spécialisées professionnelles 2. Contexte didactique et professionnel de la pratique de la révision 3. Cadre méthodologique de l’enquête sur la révision et la […]
By revision I’m referring to a translation being checked against the source by a second translator. A lot of colleagues refer to this as proofreading, but proofreading is a different skill performed by a proofreader who isn’t usually a translator at all. https://nikkigrahamtranix.com
The ultimate checklist to proofread and edit your work. These days, there is a lot of fuss and debate around Post-Editing (and Machine Translation) that made me reflect upon effective editing and proofreading as a key part of my work. Are there revision and proofreading parameters that can be applied to check the completeness and […]
El concepto de evaluación es polisémico. El DRAE señala que evaluar consiste en ‘señalar el valor de algo’, ‘estimar, apreciar, calcular el valor de algo’ o bien ‘estimar los conocimientos, aptitudes y rendimiento de los alumnos’. Algunos investigadores distinguen entre evaluación (evaluation) y valoración (assessment) y otras definiciones señalan que evaluar es el proceso de […]
Réviser, c’est endosser des devoirs d’examen et d’amélioration du travail d’autrui, si bien que certains traducteurs néophytes appréhendent ce virage. Réussiront-ils à déceler les erreurs et à faire mieux que le traducteur? Ils en doutent parfois. Passons en revue quelques-unes de leurs craintes, puis proposons des pistes pour les rassurer. http://www.circuitmagazine.org
There are two basic truths which apply to the profession of translation: we learn from our mistakes; and we learn from other people. If we are fortunate, we find our errors before delivering our work, or translation errors are discussed with us by mentors, project managers at agencies, or revisors. http://www.allisonwrighttranslations.com
In this post I list four major factors responsible for bad medical translations and analyse examples of substandard medical and pharmaceutical translations. Life Science Translation Services | Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology
Recently my work focus moves slowly from translation to review. And after you perform a review, you often have to document the changes, especially when there is a lot of them. Although the newer CAT tools offer track changes function (available, for example, in memoQ or Trados Studio), the creation of a report readable outside […]
All three – in that order – hold the key to becoming a world-class translator. An interviewer, who was also a writer, once asked me how many words I’d translated before I published my first translated book for the American Institute of Physics. I imagined he expected an answer of perhaps ten thousand or so. […]
I received an assignment from a long-standing client last week that made my Spidey-sense tingle as soon as I read the instructions. It was billed as a super easy review of a translation done in-house at a hospital which should take no more than half an hour. Uh-huh. http://translationwordshop.com
These days, there is a lot of fuss and debate around Post-Editing (and Machine Translation) that made me reflect upon effective editing and proofreading as a key part of my work. Are there revision and proofreading parameters that can be applied … (Illustration: CC BY-SA 2.0 quinnanya) http://www.francescaairaghi.it
As one of the more visible proponents for moving upmarket into the premium translation market sector — a position I’ve argued since 1997, but one that is just now finding traction as we can reach increasingly larger populations of translators with the message — I think it’s crucial to discuss why premium-market translators have volunteered […]
What is translation project management? It’s a good question if you’re not in the field. You’ll be surprised how integral this is to project managers and the organization alike. Learn more here. http://www.brighthubpm.com
Considering the intense pressure to maximize corporate localization budget utility and speed products to foreign markets, it is no surprise that Machine Translation (MT) often comes up in our business conversations. It is well known that an MT engine can translate more quickly: tens of thousands of words overnight. http://info.moravia.com
Have you heard of the latest trend in the translation industry? It’s called PEMT and it stands for post-editing machine translation. This is when clients use a program to translate their text before sending it to a translator for the final edit. Some clients use more sophisticated MT (machine translation) than online offerings, … […]
Translation memory (TM) and machine translation (MT) continue to change the translation industry. Pricing is evolving, too, as clients, translators, and agencies offer and accept consideration for translation services. But what goes through the minds of the players as we haggle? One way to puzzle this out is to consider how the players view the […]
Last week, I found myself suddenly rolling out a blog post because of an unpleasant experience involving machine translation (or should I say machine pseudo-translation), which I wanted to share with you all. This week I’m shaking my head at yet another affront to our profession, … http://nikkigrahamtranix.com
One of the main purposes of this blog when we recently created it was bringing the translators community closer and promote the sharing of different ideas and experiences. Given that we don’t want to turn this blog into something “closed” and only ours, we decided to extend the invitation to recognized translation and translation project […]
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the overriding factor causing translators to end their relationship with an agency is not being paid at all (no-brainer really, as continuing to work for a client that is not paying you—whatever their excuses and promises—just doesn’t make good business sense), and secondly being paid late. […]
In recent years, translation has become a part and parcel of the global business world. In fact, the very existence of many companies depends on translation. Yet, with such a variety of translation providers on the market, many clients struggle to make the right choice and fall into common traps set by incompetent translation companies. […]
Commoditisation is sweeping through every industry as products and services are made as uniform, plentiful and affordable as possible to make them more attainable – just think how cellphones have converged on features, size and form factors with similar products competing at similar price points. In the language services industry, translations are also frequently bargained […]
As an autodidact, albeit with 14 years experience as a translator and editor, plus a couple of years studying linguistics at the University of Western Australia, I realise that this is a somewhat tenuous basis upon which to write an article for skilled language professionals on improving their service provision, … http://thecyclingtranslator.com