A common question desktop publishers frequently hear is, “which software is better: InDesign or FrameMaker?” The answer depends on what type of project you have to do. If you can answer that, you will know which is the best option. http://resources.globalizationpartners.com/blog/indesign-or-framemaker-which-to-use
Recently my work focus moves slowly from translation to review. And after you perform a review, you often have to document the changes, especially when there is a lot of them. Although the newer CAT tools offer track changes function (available, for example, in memoQ or Trados Studio), the creation of a report readable outside […]
You’ve developed a great program and now you want to localize it for foreign markets. But you don’t want to waste money translating it into a language where there is no market for your product. So what can you do? Try crowdsourcing the translations. In doing so you get a sense of how they view your […]
Localisation will be beneficial for your company and customers only if it’s of top quality and has no flaws. If the localised version contains mistakes, overlapping text strings or functional issues, all the hard work will come to nothing. Home
When I first saw a link to this CAT Tool on Internet, I hesitated before clicking on it. Could yet another translation software application make any difference to my daily work? Nevertheless, I was pleasantly surprised… http://www.proz.com/translation-articles/articles/1132/1/Ppt.Helper—A-Real-Help%21
Online resources; MediLexicon; Software; Books … http://www.goldsmithtranslations.com
He trabajado en seis empresas de software y en todas ellas la queja era siempre la misma: el alto coste que suponía traducir los textos de las aplicaciones. Y es cierto, si una empresa necesita traducir su aplicación a varios idiomas, ya puede tener cuidado con el número de palabras “traducibles” que incluye en dicha […]
Genius Subtitler is a subtitling software designed by experienced professionals in the Brazilian Audiovisual Translation market. Our efforts are channeled at bridging the gap between expensive made-for-companies-suites and subtitlers, maximizing productivity and improving overall quality with the most needed features any subtitling software should offer for a fair price. http://caroltranslation.com
Having attended a significant number of industry events, I often hear the question: “What should I expect from a next-gen Translation Management System?”. This in my opinion is a very important issue to explore, since there are no universal benchmarks allowing a user to objectively identify the threshold of optimum translation management software. Recently I managed to narrow […]
Is the constant flow of emails, backwards and forwards, slowly strangling your project’s momentum? If you’re struggling with email overload and can’t find the right project management software to streamline your processes, consider fine tuning MS Outlook, the world’s most popular email program, into a supercharged project management platform. project-management.com
Tradumanager is a project management software for translation service providers. It is available in two versions: for translators and for translation agencies. It is a stand-alone software that users can download and install to their Windows computers. Home page
(e-book extract) Nearly all projects managed by a translation company include a translation stage. It may be, however, that the project consists entirely of creating a glossary, revising an existing translation or testing a piece of software. Translators The translation is normally undertaken by one or more translators. In special cases it may be that […]
(e-book extract) Translation companies are the linking point between clients and translation teams. End clients contact a single translation company rather than several freelance translators for a number of different reasons. On the one hand, they do not have to assume the responsibility of recruiting and testing suitable candidates for translating a given subject matter, […]
The aim of this page, therefore, is just to help point translators in a few directions that may be useful at the beginning of their career (although more experienced colleagues may find some of the information below of interest too). http://nikkigrahamtranix.com
This blog will cover typical duties of translation agency project managers and common tasks they must perform in a typical document translation project. The scope of a software translation or website translation project would vary only slightly. http://blog.globalizationpartners.com